Changelog Octaga Player ======================= Changes in 5.0.0 (r1045) ---------------- Breaking changes: - Using v8 as default script engine (can be overriden in content) - Removed Deprecated nodes -- Bitmap, Circle and Rectangle -- IndexedFaceSet2D, IndexedLineSet2D and PointSet2D - Removed IndexedFaceSet.sortPolygon New Features: - New nodes -- PatchSet -- RenderGroup -- RenderShape - New node Fields -- TriangleSet2D.color -- TriangleSet2D.texCoord -- TriangleSet2D.attrib -- Polyline2D.color -- Polyline2D.attrib -- Polypoint2D.color -- Polypoint2D.attrib -- Text.useFTGL -- MovieTexture.enableVFW - Added resolution field to geometry primitives -- Arc2D.resolution -- ArcClose2D.resolution -- Circle2D.resolution -- Cone.resolution -- Cylinder.resolution -- Sphere.resolution - New text rendering - Support tesselation shaders - GLSL 1.3 support -- tracking oct_LightSource array -- tracking oct_projectionMatrix, oct_modelViewMatrix and oct_NormalMatrix -- oct_ViewMatrix and oct_ModelMatrix -- tracking fog parameters Improvements: - Re-enable right-click-menu in fullscreen - Restored avi encoding - Added dpi awareness - Improved touch / gesture support (based on WM_TOUCH) - Improved font loading - Improved standards conformance for WebSocket Updated 3rd party libs: - Upgraded v8 to version 3.18 - Upgraded freetype to version 2.4.12 - Upgraded zlib to version 1.2.8 - Upgraded libpng to version 1.6.2 - Upgraded libjpeg to version 9 - Upgraded openjpeg to version 2.0 Bug fixes: - Removed unused and obsolete code Changes in 4.0.4 (r895) ---------------- Breaking changes: - Breaking changes to setTransform script methods for Matrices - Breaking changes to ShadowTexture node, changed fields - Removed support for Material2D and LinePropertiesMP4 nodes New Features: - New installer (based on nullsoft) - Support for UseGammaCorrection meta tag - Built using visual studio 2012 - Player now runs on Linux (Ubuntu) using GTK3 - Added script method Octaga.avatarNavigation(...) for controlling navigation through script (used for iPad navigation) - Improved support for WebSockets (now fully conformat) - Reordered the buttons on XInput devices to match other gamepads - Better handeling of texture memory - Added more Audio formats - Added an option for pre-caching textures - Set Appearance caching to true (default value) - Improved statistics (added simulation info and reesident textures) - Support for more types of DDS images - Possible to free texture memory - Added config to control pre-caching of textures - Added nav mode "TOUCH_EXAMINE" and "TOUCH_PAN" Improvements: - Better control over the use of scriptEngine V8 vs Octaga - Performance improvements and robustification - Switched from custom mulithreading lib to stl threading - Improvements to GeneratedCubemapTexture node - Improvements to Shadow node - Use less resources while loading Updated 3rd party libs: - Upgraded v8 to version 3.15.0 - Upgraded openssl to version 1.0.1c - Upgraded zlib to version 1.2.7 - Upgraded libpng to version 1.5.13 Bug fixes: - Corrected the size of the option dialog - Fixed error with strictConformance setting - Fixes to parsing and exporting escaped chars in strings - Corrected toString script methods for Matrix fields - Fixed a bug in Math.round - Fixed bugs related to handeling of unicode characters - Fixed MovieTexture sound in 3D - Fixed bugs when scaling to 0,0,0 - Bugfix for CompositeTexture2D - Fixed min max values in PlaneSensor - Fixed a problem with the Date contructor in script (daylight savings time) - Fixed bug in compressed volume textures on nvidia - Fixed a creash when freeing IndexedLineSet - Fixed a crash in ray intersection - Avoid empty texture if texture cannot be resized Changes in 4.0.3 (r657) ---------------- New features: - Added support for Xbox controllers (and controllers using xInput) - Added ImageTexture3D.resolution_changed and ImageCubeMapTexture.resolution_changed - Added Form.integerPos - Added support for the built in uniform "oct_NumActiveLights" which contains the current number of active lights - Deprecated Bitmap node Improvements: - Improved vrml export for more readable files - Improved bbox handling for switch - Improved gui for sound images and video - Improved reporting of suboptimal binary files - Better support for multi-channel sound Bug fixes: - Fixed a bug in RenderTextureFBOMultisample and made screenshots more robust - Fix bmp images with invalid transparency - Fixed minor bug in options dialog Changes in 4.0.2 (r613) ---------------- New features: - Support for depth buffers using RenderTextureFBOMultisample - New driver warning dialog - Check and report driver age - Added fullscreen startup option - Added GestureSensor node for multi touch systems - Support for binary format (v2) - Added movieTexture.resolution_changed - Added ImageTexture.resolution_changed - Added LOD.useBBoxCenter - Added startDistance on Fog and LocalFog - Added checkbox for content info - Added productId and manufacturerId to JoystickSensor Improvements: - Use the mouse pointer for the zoom dirextion in examine mode - Better warning messages from script - Output loading time on cubemaps and volumemaps - Added more info messages - Reuse of compiled shaders - Using swap tear if available - Changed wmv bitrate to kbps - More buffer in the console window - Updated the html reference doc - Better warning for missing opengl extension - Changed initial value for MovieTexture.playbackFraction to force sending of 0.0 - Handle auto update for 64 bit version - Require OpenGL 2.0 (not 2.1) Updated 3rd party libs: - Updated v8 to version 3.9.23 - Updated libjpeg to version 8d - Updated libpng to version 1.5.9 - Updated to freetype version .2.4.9 - Updated ode to version 0.12 - Updated zlib to version 1.2.6 - Updated openjpeg to version 1.5.0 Bug fixes: - Support for MultiTextureTransform with composed shader - Fixed video decoding without textureProperties - Handeling of multiple LayerSet in the scene - Corrected weights on NurbsCurves and surfaces - Avoid culling of light - Improved handeling of env sensors in multiple scenes - Improved collisiondetection (for compositeTexture3d and examinemode) - Use correct navInfo in layer - Fix for RayIntersection through layer - Fix correct culling in CompositeTexture3D - Allow collision with non-rendered objects - Fixed a bug in the options menu - Fix bug with environment sensor in compositeTexture3D - Recreate CompositeTexture when resolution changes - Handeling shaders in rayIntersection - Made ray intersection work on ITS that has not been rendered (no cache) - Made ray intersection work for more non rendered geometries - Set depthFunc back to normal after rendering screenFontstyle text - Fixed texTransform for Background2D - Fix for transparent images (on load) - Fixed the "About" dialog - Fixed a regression in geometry shaders - Fixed a crash in TriangleSet, TriangleFanSet, TriangleStripSet and QuadSet - Bugfix for elevationGrid - Bugfixes for layerset - Bug fix for IndexedFaceSet - Fix a bug related to mipmaps - Bugfixes / improvements for the Form node - Fixed a regression in HAnim - Fix for composed3dtexture - Fixed a regression with sortPolygons - Fixed a bug in floatVertexAttrib - Fixed a bug in RayIntersection with Layer3D Changes in 4.0.1 (r435) ---------------- - Changed video encoder to create WMV (not AVI) files - Improvements to the Rigid Body Physics component - Improvements to the GeoSpatial component - Improvements for fullscreen mode - Added message box for bad OpenGL version, and fixed antialiasing message - Avoid reloading sub-images of composed texctures if not nescesarry - New handling of IndexedFaceSet, always expanding to (indexed) triangles for better performance and less driver hassle - Fixed a bug in the OctagaSensor node - Fixed a bug in the Gif loader - Fixed a bug in the Billboard node - Fixed a bug with DragSensors and nostandard field of view - Fixed a bug with texCords bug on ElevationGrid - Fixed a bug in the web plugin - Better handeling of deprecated nodes - Updated libpng to 1.5.7 and tinyxml to 2.6.2 Changes in 4.0.0 (r369) ---------------- - New visual profile to reflect that Octaga Visual Solutions now owns Octaga Player - Require OpenGL 2.1 for Octaga Player 4.0 - Added webSocket support for communication with html5 capable devices - Show file load time if detailed content warnings are enabled - Added numGPUs to system properties - Added Windows Experience Score to system info - Added support for Parsing VRML with binary data chunks - Added support for MetadataBoolean (X3D V3.3) - Handle images based on file signature (not file extension) - Updated license file -Added double sided triangles to statistics - Added IndexedPatchSet (experimental) - Added support for nvidia SLI - Made mp4 2d nodes deprecated - Removed support for ProximitySensor2D - Removed support for mp4 particle system - Improved video and audio support through DirectShow - Improved support for multi-screen setups - Improved support for JPEG2000 textures - Improved support for Png textures - Improved support for Pnm textures - Improved support for Gif textures - Improved support for Bmp textures - Updated user manual for v4.0 - Improvements to the GeoLOD node - Added a missing filed (sliderForce) in SliderJoint - Improved line patterns (in LineProperties) - Added extensions for multi gpu setup (AMD and NVIdia Quadro) - Corrected the inertia field of RigidBody - Fixed bug with center of rotation (with no bound viewpoint) - Corrected changed "coords" field to "coord" in emitter nodes - Fixed bug with zero particle mass - Fixed a bug with video on Crossfire Systems - Fixed a bug with Layout node - Fixed a bug with the order field in ColorDamper - Fixed a problem with cubeMaps in shaders - Fixed bug in base64 encoding - Performance improvements Changes in ------------------ - new caching options - better support for touchscreen - bugfixes Changes in ------------------ - bugfixes Changes in ------------------ - Improved validity checking for IndexedTriangleSet and IndexedQuadSet - Fixed gamepad bug - Fixed problem with use of touchscreen - Improved output for HyperThreading - Updated openssl to version 1.0.0d - Updated v8 to version 3.1.8 - Added meminfo (statistics) for nvidia gpus - Converted project to vs 2010 - Fixed a bug in service pack detection - Fixed a bug with animated gifs Changes in ------------------ - First bugfix release for Octaga Visual Solution - Removed references to - changed registration publickey for Octaga Visual Solution - Updated jpeglib to version 8c - Updated strmlib to version 7.0 - Updated freetype to version 2.4.4 - Updated openjpeg to version 1.4 - Updated libpng to version 1.5.1 - Fixed bug in hyper-thread detection Changes in ------------------ - Added missing nodes to Statistics overview (registered users only) - Added script method to get config values - Updated NurbsCurve and NurbsCurve2D to use wheights correctly. This release contains many bugfixes to Nurbs in general. - Nurbs now rendered using VBO - Background, Circle, Bitmap, Background2D and Texturebackground now rendered using VBO - Rectangle and Rectangle2D rendered using VBOs - PointSet and PointSet2D rendering using VBOs - Fixed bug in Background node - Fixed bugs in ShadowTexture - Fixed bug with center of rotation for middle button not set when geometry is not pickable - Fixed bug with bindable nodes in CompositeTexture3D children field not initially bound - Fixed updating of bbox when inserting nodes via SAI - Fixed correct output and use of Antialiasing - Some updates to FreeCache functionality Changes in ------------------ - Added dialog box on completed export - Added data out feature for CompositeTexture3D and CompositeTexture2D - Added info about more compression formats - Added line counter statistics - Added fps counter to the statistics - Improved Java SAI support to work with Java NextGen plugin - Improved error messages for images and videos - Improved support for tga files - Minor GUI Improvements - Robustification of the registration system - Robustification and minor bugfixes to all triangle based geometry nodes - Updated zlib to version 1.2.5 - Updated libpng to version 1.4.2 - Updated libjpeg to version 8b - Updated v8 to version v2.2.10 - Fixed a bug in ftgl with extruded normals - Fixed a problem with real time shadows - Fixed bug importing fields from multiple files - Fixed bug when using texture cordinates in shaders without an actual texture - Fixed bug in DDS parsing on 64 bit systems - Fixed a crash in ParticleSystem with no particles - Fixed the initial direction of particles from a SurfaceEmitter - Fixed bug with local lights and sensors directly under Inline nodes - Fixed rayIntersection with clipping planes - Fixed bug parsing floats in scientif notation with very hig exponents - Fixed bug with GeoElevationGrid (ccw field inverted) - Fixed illegal IS when loading sound and video - Fixed bug writing UTF8 to reg key instead of unicode - Fixed bug with VisibilitySensor influencing boundingBoxes - Fixed bug with background being clipped in rare cases Changes in ------------------ - Adding support for the the Layer3d.renderAllCounter field - Added checkbox for opengl caching - Added support for m4v videos - Added registered user to in the About box - Added support for EXPORT / IMPORT statements inside mfNode fields - Adding Octaga function to Preprocess a node - Adding script support for freeCache functionality - Added "3.0" to the Octaga Player shortcut - Added test for enabled flag in NetworkSensor - Adding support for freeCache functionality - Added test for valid accessType when parsing IS - Added memInfo (based on ATI_maminfo) in statistics - Improved warning messages for import/export - Optimization / Fixes for Indexed Line Set - More tolerant checking of mime types. - Changed formatting of the version string - Updated openssl to version 1.0.0 - Updated freetype to version 2.3.13 - Updated jpeglib to version 8a - Updated tinyxml to version 2.6.1 - Updating zlib to version 1.2.4 - Updating libpng to version 1.4.1 - Fixed a bug when switching out environment sensors - Fixed a problem with IMPORT/EXPORT and protos - Fixed a bug in updating the frustrum planes when the aspect ratio changes - Fixed a bug in ImageTextureRenderCache when trying to free a texture not loaded. - Fixed a crash on invalid video files - Fixed a bug where loading progress was not updated - Fixed a crash when trying to establish routes to nonexisting fields in externprotodelcaration - Fixed several small issues with the NetworkSensor / Connection nodes - Fixed a bug in NavigationInfo for the transitionTime and transitionComplete fields - Fixed a crash in player if no avatarsize has been specified. - Fixed bug with animated IndexedFaceSet. - Fixed a bug when animating transparency. - Fixed a problem with rayIntersection and CompositeTexture2D. - Fixed a bug in IndexedFaceSet/IndexedFaceSet2D where the coordIndexes contain faces with less than two(2) indexes. - Fixed a bug with colorPerVertex FALSE and IndexedFaceSet. - Fixed bugs related to using IS in protoDefinitions - Fixed bug with shaders using missing textures Changes in ------------------ - Fixed background to be independent of viewpoint scale. - Fixed bug in parsing of script in x3d files. - Fixed crash whith empty SurfaceEmitter. - Fixed crashes in IndexedFaceSets. - Fixed problems with IS and ExternProto. - Fixed crash with GeoElevationGrid. Changes in ------------------ The new version is has been rewritten to make Octaga Player faster, able to handle larger models, easier to use and include new features. Faster: - Optimized for use on modern graphics hardware. - New scripting engine based on Google V8 (not enabled by default). Large Models: - Can now handle models with tens of millions of polygons. Easier to use: - Installation and registration of the player has been simplified. - Improved User interface. New Features: - Improved capabilities for displaying multimedia content such as video, sound and images. - Statistics tools help content creators optimize their models. For content Creators: - Better support for the X3D and VRML standards. - More detailed warning messages. Check out the new Octaga Exporter for 3D Studio Max and the developer pages on the Octaga web page describing extended functionality that is available to make your content look better than ever.